health is for every BODY

about me…

Areas of interest  

Female health

Irregular menstrual cycles
Painful/heavy periods
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
Fertility, preconception care & pregnancy

Gastrointestinal health

Food intolerances
Inflammatory bowel diseases
Stool analysis

Skin health


Services offered

  • Herbal medicine

    Herbalism has been long used to support and treat disease. Specific herbs provide particular therapeutic benefits to support the innate abilities of our body's mechanisms to heal. Herbal medicine can support a variety of health conditions by bringing the body back into homeostasis.

  • Nutritional analysis & dietary planning

    Comprehensive nutritional analysis can help identify nutritional deficiencies, and support individuals in achieving health and wellness goals. This may include diet plans and education for particular diets such as veganism, food intolerances, and weight loss/gain, to ensure the client's health goals can be optimized and achieved with dietary modifications and nutrition programs.

  • Functional testing

    Although functional testing is not always necessary, it's a beneficial tool for further investigation concerning why an individual may be experiencing poor health after general testing may come back normal. Further integrative testing can allow us to get a biochemical snapshot of the underlying drivers of your presenting symptoms causing you concerns.

  • Lifestyle medicine

    There is commonly a strong correlation between mental and emotional health. A collaborative approach may include working with counselors, offering exercise education, and mindfulness techniques to support clients.

  • Iridology

    Iridology is the study of the iris. The iris can give insight into an individual's health status. Iridology can help us identify strengths, possible challenges in organ systems, and the characteristics of people's personalities.